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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
Charlotte Maid services in Charlotte, NC

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A little help for the holidays

The holiday season is the perfect time of year to hire Charlotte Maid services to help you make it through the holidays. Most people are not aware that you can hire a housekeeper or a Maid on a week-to-week or short-term basis. The average person is so busy these days that there are plenty of reasons to hire a housekeeper. Some people need to free up some extra room in their schedule because the holidays can be so busy. Others simply want to spend more time with their family. Once you determine you specific needs, you can determine how much outside help is necessary.

Deciding what you need

Let’s face it, sometimes when it comes to cleaning our home, we do not even know where to begin. However, you will need to decide if you are looking for someone to clean up periodically, or if you want someone to keep house on a daily basis. You cannot interview housekeepers until you have a basic idea what you want for you housecleaning service. Of course, your budget will also be a determining factor in your level or frequency of service. Having a general idea of what you need can ensure that you will not end up paying for more work than is necessary. Your goal does not necessarily need to full of details. For example, you can give the Maid service a general goal such as, “I am looking for someone to do the laundry and light house cleaning twice a week.”

The cost of Maid service

If you give the same goal to each service, then you can compare prices based upon the same criteria. Professionals in every profession have different ideas about the way to perform a task, so if you leave the question open, you will get prices of every range, and will only be confused. House cleaning is a very competitive business. Asking for the same level of service will ensure that you get a competitive price, with a clearer understanding of what you should pay.

Questions for potential Maid service

It is important to judge everyone by the same criteria. You will most naturally go with the person or business that you feel most comfortable with, even if they are a little more expensive. However, it is still important to judge each company by the same standards. Consider the following questions, which should be asked of everyone you interview:

  1. Do you charge by the hour or by the day?
  2. If you charge by the room, what does that include?
  3. Who provides the cleaning supplies?
  4. Is there a price difference for green cleaning?
  5. Are there days that they do not work, such as Sundays or certain holidays?
  6. When are they available to start work?
  7. Do they have restrictions on the type of work they perform?
  8. Are they bonded and insured?
  9. Can they provide at least five clients for a reference?

Once you decide on someone, do not sign a long term- contract. Start out with a week-to-week agreement. Once you find someone who is a good fit for you and your family, it will make your life easier, and leave your home sparkling.

One of the top Charlotte Maid services 

Every home is unique, and that is why Gloria M’s house cleaning and Charlotte maid services are customized to meet your cleaning and housekeeping needs. They offer free in-home consultations in an effort to understand your expectations for your household cleaning. Gloria M’s Cleaning Services offers flexibility in the frequency of home cleanings, and options for “green” cleaning services upon request. Keeping your special considerations and your budget in mind, they provide consistent and dependable housecleaning services around your needs. We hope to help you find the right service for your home, by understanding the difference between house cleaning services and Charlotte maid services. If you are looking for help with house cleaning, call Gloria M’s for a consultation and pricing. We look forward to hearing from you and answering your house cleaning questions.