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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
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The importance of excellent medical office cleaning

While looking for the best janitorial service for medical office cleaning, I search through the internet, looking at the different commercial cleaning services.  Knowing that a medical practice can be one of the most germ filled places in Charlotte, it’s important to find the best service to clean the medical practice.

Charlotte janitorial service with focus on medical offices

It’s important to find a Charlotte janitorial service that has a hygienic focused approach. This specialty on getting rid of germs can reduce the spread of infectious diseases and illnesses that spread germs.  Look for janitorial services that use Hepa vacuums, have specialized training, hospital grade disinfectants, and micro-fiber cleaning cloths. Commercial cleaning services that meet or exceed the cleaning standards set by OSHA, Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE), Association for Professionals in Infection Prevention (APIC), Association of peri Operative Registered Nurses (AORN), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Cleaning a medical office is more than just emptying trashcans and mopping the floor. Using a trained medical office cleaning service can be just as important as trained doctors and medical assistants. Trained janitors receive medical office awareness training so that they clean and stay safe while working around sharps and also possible bloodborne pathogens. In 2000, there were almost 103,000 deaths that were the result of a Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI’s.) These infections were acquired while the person was in a healthcare setting, and over 75% were proved to have been preventable if proper cleaning and sanitizing had taken place.  More and more medical practices are demanding that medical office cleaning be done by skilled janitorial services, to reduce the risk to their patients and medical staff.

Cleaning your Charlotte medical practice

When a patient walks into your medical office, it’s important for them to feel that they are in a clean and sanitary place. Tidy up any clutter in the office, and empty trash regularly. Keep hand sanitizer by the check in area, along with masks for those who are sick. Also, create a sectioned- off area, or admit quickly, those who have respiratory diseases or are contagious.

Make sure the bathrooms are checked on regularly, and kept ultra-clean. The state of the cleanliness of your bathrooms will affect how patients think of the entire office.

Medical office cleaning is a must for all types of healthcare

Choose the best Charlotte janitorial service for your hospital, doctor’s office, dentist office, clinic, medical lab, assisted living center, nursing homes and more.  The medical cleaning world is more regulated then regular office cleaning. Once you’ve found a trained, experienced medical office cleaning service, your medical cleaning worries are over. Trained commercial cleaners will  have medical grade equipment, health-care appropriate chemicals and supplies. They are also trained on how to dispose of biomedical hazards. Contact Blue Ribbon Maintenance, in Charlotte and Kannapolis for excellent medical office cleaning.