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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
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How commercial cleaning services help keep your medical practice clean

Having a Charlotte medical practice, or other healthcare type office that offers medical services, labs, surgery, or other medical services, requires a very clean and sanitized office. First impressions are important, as your patients enter, along with knowing that it is not just about dirt, but bacteria, and other germs that could be on the surfaces or in the air.  It does not need a lot of work to keep an office space clean. With small steps done regularly, by a trained commercial office cleaning service, medical offices can keep the space sanitized all the time.

It’s also important to hire a trained commercial cleaning service. One that knows how to keep your medical office facility clean and meet health standards.  A cleaning team that is trained to work around possible blood borne pathogens and sharps.  You do not just want to hire a regular cleaning service for your medical practice.

Steps medical staff can take to assist the Charlotte janitorial service

Staff can start by taking out the trash regularly. A build-up of trash can be the perfect place for germs to multiply, which is something any medical facility do not want to happen. This is why it is recommended to take out the trash at least at the end of every day. Staff may also use a disinfectant spray to make sure that no germs are left behind.

When there are spills inside the facility, it is best practice to wipe it off immediately. This will not only avoid stains, but it will also keep everyone safe from accidents caused by spills on the floor.

Keeping hand sanitizer at the check-in area of the medical practice will help keep your medical team and patients safer. Keep masks available for those who arrive contagious or with other respiratory illnesses. Admit these patients to a private room, as soon as possible, to prevent spreading of their illness.

Hire a Charlotte commercial cleaning service to do the job

To keep your medical practice properly sanitized, along with clean, it’s best to find the most qualified commercial cleaning services in your area. Janitorial service providers like Blue Ribbon Maintenance, of Charlotte and Kannapolis. This janitorial service has highly trained cleaning technicians that know how to keep a medical office space clean and sanitized. They are also knowledgeable about the cleaning solutions used and proper cleaning techniques to make sure that no contamination will occur.

Hiring a trained commercial cleaning service is not the same as hiring a regular janitorial service. Just cleaning dirt is not enough, and the service should comply with all health standards, along with a more regular schedule of cleaning. Contact your local Charlotte commercial cleaning service for your medical practice cleaning needs.