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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services

Let us help you keep your business looking its best

Maintenance cleaning services in Kannapolis NC
Image source: unsplash.com

Maintenance cleaning services do more than just clean up Kannapolis, NC offices each day. They help keep your office looking as new as possible and can extend the life of your flooring and furniture. But perhaps most importantly, maintenance cleaning services help you put a professional foot forward, both in the eyes of customers and employees.

Many business owners may decide to undertake their business cleaning task themselves. But, most quickly realize the time consuming task this is and struggle to fit it into their workweek. Not to mention cleaning while customer and employees are in can be distracting and make cleaning harder than it needs to be. Maintenance cleaning services can help.

In three steps, you’ll have a custom cleaning plan for your business

When you work with Gloria M’s Cleaning Services for your maintenance cleaning services needs, we’ll create a plan just for you. All it takes is three simple steps. 

First, determine what cleaning services you need. Janitorial services entail a variety of cleaning options for you to choose from. Whether you want us to tackle the big jobs like carpet cleaning, floor waxing, or washing windows, or the little jobs like vacuuming and dusting, we’ve got you covered. We’ll discuss your cleaning needs with you and determine what maintenance cleaning services will fit you best.

Second, you’ll decide how often you want us to come clean. Some businesses prefer we come clean daily to keep the office looking fresh each day. Others may only need us once a week, every other week, once a month, or something in between. We can even offer maintenance cleaning services on a season or holiday basis and help you get your office in top shape for your business’s next big event. 

Third, we’ll work out the best time for our maintenance cleaning services. Talking to a customer on the phone with a vacuum going in the background, or trying to shop after a floor has been mopped can be distracting to say the least. That’s why we want to be sure we come clean your business at a time that works for you and your schedule, whether that be before you open or after you close. Or even during your office’s lunch break. 

Maintenance cleaning services in Kannapolis, NC

Kannapolis, NC businesses know the importance of having a clean office. They also know the big job keeping it clean is. Maintenance cleaning service can help keep your office in top shape, without causing you the headache of finding time each day to do it. Gloria M’s Cleaning offers residential cleaning and commercial office cleaning services for China Grove, Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, and surrounding areas.