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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services

Business cleaning services entails a variety of businesses

Business cleaning services cover cleaning for a variety of businesses in Kannapolis, NC. Though most people may immediately think these cleaning services apply to offices such as medical office, law offices, or even insurance offices, it covers so much more than that. One important business that our services help keep clean: daycare.

Cleaning at daycare is an important task

Kids are often considered to be a hotbed for germs. It may seem like they are constantly bringing colds, pink eye, or other illnesses home to you and your family. With the rise of the coronavirus this year, keeping daycares germ free is more important than ever and a bigger job than ever.

In addition to cleaning, you need to make sure things are sanitized to help prevent kids and staff from getting sick. This can be a daunting task. Your job is to watch over children and cleaning can take you away from that task. Business cleaning services can help by taking over this big job and helping you keep your daycare center germ free.

Why bring in the professionals?

There are many reasons daycare centers and child care providers should consider using business cleaning services.

  1. They clean and sanitize. Sanitizing is more important than ever. Not only do you need to clean dirt and debris off of items, you need to sanitize them. When you use business cleaning services, you can feel confident both steps are completed, and with the correct cleaning products.
  2. They’ll get things you may miss. Though wiping down toys that have been in mouths and played with, and other cleaning of high touch areas may be something you do throughout the day. There may be some cleaning tasks you don’t think about, that business cleaning services will. For example, when’s the last time you checked for bugs in your lights? Or wiped down your baseboards?
  3. Proper equipment. Some cleaning tasks that daycares require may need special equipment to perform. This can not only be an added expense for the daycare, but can take up valuable storage space. Cleaning services brings the equipment needed to complete the job, whether it be a floor waxing machine, paper products, and more.

Business cleaning services in Kannapolis, NC

Kannapolis, NC based daycares know the importance of cleaning, especially today. Cleaning services can help managers and staff tackle this job, while also providing peace of mind that your daycare is as clean and germ free as possible. Contact our office to learn more about this service, or to get started.

Gloria M’s Cleaning offers residential cleaning and commercial office cleaning services for China Grove, Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, and surrounding areas.