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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services

The best office cleaning experts conduct a deep clean

Top-ranked office cleaning experts in China Grove and Concord NC help you maintain a clean office by offering occasional deep cleaning. Although the services are impressive, most people assume it should stop there. That should not be the case since it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the office remains clean.

To ensure the cleaning is functional, you should note some areas to think of most of the time. Some areas of the office are dirtier than others. Focusing on the dirtiest areas more can help ensure the cleaning is effective. Here are some of the dirtiest areas in the office, as the cleaning experts point out.

Shared desks

The normal office desk offers a surface for bacteria to land and thrives on. Considering most of the desks have items on them, it is safe to say they are among the dirtiest places in the office.

The problem worsens when the desk is shared since more people at the desk means they bring along more germs. The best solution is to clean the desk and its accessories between the cleaning sessions.

Lift buttons and door handles

Within big offices, people come and go, and a common area everyone will touch is the door handle. Not everyone will take care of whatever germs they have on their hands, meaning they can transfer them on door handles. The same case happens with lift buttons since they can act as a surface for common germ existence.

Office cleaning experts in China Grove and Concord, NC, recommend periodic sanitization of the lift buttons and door handles. Using sanitizer on your hands after touching the surfaces ensures you avoid spreading the germs.

The toilet

The toilets are a high traffic area in the office, and as a result, the germs can spread easily. Toilet germs like E. Coli can be life-threatening and are often found in toilets.

The cleaning experts maintain a tight focus on cleaning the office toilet thoroughly. The thorough clean ensures a fresh scent emanates from the toilet, and it becomes among the cleanest places in the office. The surfaces should remain clean at all times to avoid bacteria spread.

Hire the best office cleaning experts in China Grove and Concord

Regular cleaning ensures that the employees remain healthy since you can regulate germ spread. There are so many areas around the office that warrant the cleaner’s attention. Hiring the best office cleaning experts is the perfect solution for maintaining a clean office.

Gloria M’s Cleaning offers residential cleaning and commercial office cleaning services for China Grove, Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, and surrounding areas.