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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
A clean living room from house cleaning services

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A wonderful time of the year to clean house

Few things can dim the mood of the mystical holidays like the reality of seasonal house cleaning when the party is over. For many, December is the best month of the year because it is filled with seasonal music, warm beverages, and family get-togethers. Even when no one is around, December is a special month for cozying up on your couch with a hot tea and a good book. The splash of cold water here is that after the parties are over, the gifts are opened, dinners have been served, and the guests go home… someone has to clean up the mess. The following are some tips that will help you restore your home to pre-holiday cleanliness.

Prioritize before you start

Start the cleaning by taking on the most difficult room and finish up with the easiest room. Make cleaning the floors and carpets your last task in every room. Not only does it make logistical sense, it leaves each room smelling fresh and clean.

Keep the clutter down

It goes without saying that you want your guests to experience you house at its cleanest. Even if you have done a thorough pre seasonal cleaning, clutter is a natural by-product of daily living; especially when the kids are home for winter break. Every morning, stand at the door of every room and look at it from the viewpoint of a guest. This makes it easy to identify clutter, and eliminate it before the day’s living piles on more clutter. There will be some days when it is just too busy or hectic to sort through cumulative clutter such as mail, school papers, and last minute gift wrapping materials. It is a good idea to find a quick place to store all unsorted clutter and pick a date to go through it all once the holiday season is over.

Make your bathroom sparkle

A clean bathroom is an essential part of keeping a clean house. Just a few small changes can make your bathroom easier to keep sparkling and fresh smelling. Start by placing sanitizing wipes in a basket or attractive container on the counter. Encourage everyone to wipe the counters after use. Assign a family member to do a wipe down every morning, after the morning routines. Make sure that they also wipe any spots off the mirror. Store accessories and grooming aids in cabinets and drawers in order to keep the counter clean. When your vanity or counter is clutter free, the bathroom will appear clean and organized. Get rid of bar soap and change to liquid body wash in order to eliminate the problem of soap scum.

The after party blues

We understand how disparaging it can be to face the reality of the after party clean up. Especially after dinners; you will face a mountain of dishes, glasses, pots, and pans. Chances are that the dishes are fine china that you are reluctant to let just anyone handle. A highly recommended tip is to consider hiring a housekeeping service to come in and do your bidding. This tip is guaranteed to save you time and stress.

Seasonal house cleaning services in Charlotte, NC

Every home is unique, and that is why Gloria M’s Cleaning Services are customized to meet your cleaning and housekeeping needs. They offer free in-home consultations in an effort to understand your expectations for your household cleaning. Gloria M’s Cleaning Services offers flexibility in the frequency of home cleanings, and options for “green” cleaning services upon request. Keeping your special considerations and your budget in mind, they provide consistent and dependable seasonal house cleaning.