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Spring cleaning in Charlotte, NC

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Light at the end of the tunnel

Once you have begun your spring cleaning project and finished all the closets, now it is time to tackle the children’s bedrooms and play area. Believe it or not, once you have gotten all of your closets in order and have the kid’s rooms cleaned and organized, you will see light at the end of the spring cleaning tunnel. So let’s get to the specifics…

Start with bedding

To clean the room, there will be plenty of dusting and vacuuming. Keeping the dust and particles out of the air will help get the kids through hay fever season, and will help to create a healthier environment altogether. Take all blankets, sheets, and pillowcases off the bed and run them through the laundry. Vacuum the mattress and under the bed. Vacuum the pillows or buy new ones. Once you have completely cleaned and dusted the room, you can make the bed as the last step.

Dust the room

Dust the entire room, starting with the ceiling fans; and working your way down. Make sure you dust anything that collects dust such as door trim, doorknobs, windows, window sills, blinds, photo frames, and furniture. It is safer and easier to use vacuum extensions than climbing ladders for the higher areas.

Organize and clean toys

Pick up all the toys and those that are washable can be placed in a tub of soapy water and scrubbed. Metal and plastic toy that will be damaged by water can be cleaned with a moist towel or disinfectant wipe. Set out 3 boxes labeled:

  1. Garbage
  2. Donate
  3. Keep

The fine art of cooperation

It is vitally important that you let your kids decide what they will donate, throw out, and keep. Put the boxes labeled “garbage” and “donation” out in the hallway and leave the “keep” box I the room. Purchase plastic totes, or storage bins to organize odd shaped toys such as action figures, building blocks, or stuffed animals. Allowing your kids to make decisions regarding the spring cleaning of their room is probably the best way to help them take ownership and feel responsible for their area and their possessions. Standing in the doorway giving orders, or telling them to “just start cleaning”, is certainly counter-productive, give them options.

Professional spring cleaning services in Charlotte

Perhaps you require help with spring cleaning and organizing. Gloria M’s cleaning professionals are happy to help you take on any house cleaning project. They are so flexible when it comes to scheduling according to your needs. They also understand the importance and health implications of keeping the kids play areas and rooms clean. Call them today to set up a time and schedule to handle your spring cleaning project(s).