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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
Seasonal house cleaning in Charlotte, NC

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Making a first impression

It is time for seasonal house cleaning to prepare for the holidays. Chances are that you will have plenty of guests, and a few of them will simply drop in with no advanced warning. We all understand the principal behind first impressions. Studies have shown that it takes just three seconds for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this blip of time, they form an opinion about you based solely upon:

  1. Your appearance
  2. Your body language
  3. Your mannerisms
  4. How you are dressed

However, when it comes to your home, visitors will form an opinion about its cleanliness in the same three seconds, and they may not ever see your home. This is because it is hard to overcome a negative first impression if your home does not smell inviting. Think about it… when choosing household cleansers, how many times do we open the bottle to check out its fragrance. Even household bleach comes in fresh scents from Honeysuckle to citrus.

Cabin fever starts with a bad odor

Thus, you choose to perform a thorough seasonal house cleaning to give your home a fresh, clean smell. This gets harder to do when the weather turns frigid and you need to keep all your doors and windows shut during the winter months. Give you home the “smell test.” On a cold or windy day, go outdoors for a vibrant walk. Walk briskly, but breathe through your nose as much as possible. When you return home, walk in the door, shut it behind you and make a note about what you smell. Does your house smell old? Is it a combination of cooked foods, laundry, and stale, musty odors? We want to offer you some tips that are very effective at removing two very stubborn household odors.

Pet smells

Nothing is more discouraging than walking in, smelling pet odors, and pet accidents. Furniture needs to be cleaned periodically with pet stain and odor cleaner. Whenever possible, open up the windows and move your furniture so it is exposed to the incoming sunlight. Take removable parts such as pillows and arm covers, and hang them outdoors to catch a breeze. Vacuum the furniture with machine that has a HEPA filter. Soak problem areas on carpets and floors with pet-odor-specific cleaning products. This way you will not just cover up the odors, you will be removing them. Consider using a HEPA filtered air purifier for your home while the carpets and furniture is drying. This type of purifier has strong, odor-removing capability.

Cigarette smoke and stains

Have you ever been to a smoker’s home and noticed a dark yellow staining on the walls? This is the residue of nicotine, and it permeates everything from placemats on the dining room table, to your favorite sweater. Astonishingly, the smell of cigarette smoke scan last for years in carpet and upholstery fibers. As we mentioned above, smoke particles will also cling to the walls, surfaces of appliances, and clothing. If you are a smoker, chances are that you are not even be aware of the cigarette odors in your home. Call one of your non-smoking friends in to give you a trusted opinion. To remove odors from carpets and fabrics, sprinkle baking soda over the surfaces, and let it sit for a couple hours. Vacuum the baking soda with a machine that has a HEPA filter. If odors persist, you will probably need to rent a carpet and upholstery cleaner.

Seasonal house cleaning services in Charlotte, NC

Every home is unique, and that is why Gloria M’s Cleaning Services are customized to meet your cleaning and housekeeping needs. They offer free in-home consultations in an effort to understand your expectations for your household cleaning. Gloria M’s Cleaning Services offers flexibility in the frequency of home cleanings, and options for “green” cleaning services upon request. Keeping your special considerations and your budget in mind, they provide consistent and dependable seasonal house cleaning services.