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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
Vacuum cleaning is best done by maid services

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Unexpected guests

Maid services and bachelors are the perfect match. We have all been there before, but this is the ongoing dilemma for bachelors in particular. It’s a big weekend for sports. The Panthers are playing the Falcons; along with a North Carolina versus Duke basketball game. It is so obvious that all of the world will be at the game or at home watching the game. You are sitting on the couch in your favorite (or only) pair of pajamas, laid back in front of the TV and the phone rings. You answer the phone, assuming it is a buddy, but it is your Mom bringing some out of town relatives over for a visit. You don’t know what is more frustrating, guest during the game or guests when your house is not exactly, um, clean. You need to know how to clean the house in 10 minutes.

The answer to your problem is to hire maid services so that your home will be less likely to fall into such sloppiness, but for now, the following tips will help you avoid embarrassing revelations at the next family gathering:

Pick a main room – If you are lucky enough to have a den and a living room, pick the cleaner of the two. You will need to choose one area to entertain your guests. Most of your cleaning efforts will be made in this area.

Hide the clutter – Take a plastic trash bag or a duffle bag and make a quick sweep removing clutter and junk from surfaces of tables, TVs, and other furniture. Do not worry about sorting anything… just grab all the clutter. This means frozen food containers, dirty dishes, clothing, and paperwork. Hide the bag in a closet, the garage, or in another room and close the door.

Grab a dishtowel – Spray it with furniture polish or with an all purpose cleaner. Wipe down the surfaces of the places where you just removed the clutter.

Keep the lighting dim – The stronger the light in the room, the more noticeable cumulative dirt or dust will be too. Bright lighting makes scuff marks on wooden or tile floors stand out. Hopefully, we can avoid anyone noticing that the carpet has not been vacuumed in a while

Freshen the air – Spray some clean smelling air freshener. A fresh smell goes a long way towards changing perceptions, making the room feel clean and inviting.

Bathrooms are critical – The bathroom is the only other part of your house that it is guaranteed that your guests will visit. Give it the once over with a scented multipurpose cleaner and a cloth. Sinks and toilets are high priority, and then the mirrors. Sweep clutter into a drawer or hide it in a cabinet. Close the shower curtain or door and take the trash.

This should only take you about 10 minutes to clean and you are almost ready for guests. At this point, it should be fairly obvious how a maid service can help but there is one thing they can’t do… The last step is getting out of those pajamas and cleaning you.

Convenient maid services in Charlotte, NC

Every home is unique, and that is why Gloria M’s Cleaning Services are customized to meet your cleaning and housekeeping needs. They offer free in-home consultations in an effort to understand your expectations for your household cleaning. Gloria M’s Cleaning Services offers flexibility in the frequency of home cleanings, and options for “green” cleaning services upon request. Keeping your special considerations and your budget in mind, they provide consistent and dependable housecleaning services around your needs.