Helpful tips
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One of the top Charlotte maid services offers some helpful tips to make your house cleaning a bit faster and easier. Are you aware that there are things that you can do to make an all-day project more of a 2-3-hour task? With a little work and ingenuity, you should be able to get through the task before you realize it. It may be slow going at first, but in short order, you will find yourself getting faster every week. The secret is doing things in a logical order, we recommend the top to bottom method. Start cleaning up high, and end with floors. Not only will you be working in a logical order, and you will not find yourself dirtying something you have already cleaned. Make it fun, take out time to make a playlist of your favorite music to lighten your mood as you work.
You can speed up vacuuming by using an extension cord that will let you move through every room on each floor. For most homes, you should be able to manage this with a 50-foot extension cord. Remember, keeping the home clean should be a family project. Give everyone tasks to be their primary responsibility, this includes giving simple tasks to your small children. Teach everyone the proper way to make beds and put things away.
Hire a top Charlotte maid services
In today’s fast moving world, most families have such a hectic schedule, that there is little time, even on the weekends to engage in fun activities with your family, especially if you spend your spare time cleaning the house. Hiring Charlotte maid services to take care of your home is certainly an option. You may not need them for everything, just to come in and do the most time consuming tasks once a month, or a few times a year for deep cleaning.
Cleaning your home does not mean that you must use harsh or poisonous cleansers. Most of these products contain dozens of chemicals and ingredients that are harmful not only for your family and guests, but also for the environment. Ask us about natural ingredients that are safe for children, pets, and the environment. You might be surprised at how readily available and how inexpensive these ingredients are. In fact, most are probably already in your cabinets or pantry.
One of the top housecleaning services in Charlotte, NC
Every home is unique, and that is why Gloria M’s Cleaning Services are customized to meet your cleaning and housekeeping needs. They offer free in-home consultations in an effort to understand your expectations for your household cleaning. Gloria M’s Cleaning Services offers flexibility in the frequency of home cleanings, and options for “green” cleaning services upon request. Keeping your special considerations and your budget in mind, they provide consistent and dependable house cleaning services around your needs.