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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
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Commercial janitorial service can offer advice on spring cleaning in the offices

Spring cleaning is also important for your commercial office and using a commercial janitorial service will help keep the offices clean and sanitary. Do not forget about first impressions. Many an office worker is judged negatively when their office space is very cluttered and messy. Work daily to keep the clutter down.

Organizing your work area

Set aside different areas in your office space. You may have an area of work that needs to be done immediately. You may have a section of items that are less important, and can be done when you have time. The worst you can do is have a stack of items, unsorted, on your desk, collecting dust, getting forgotten, and created a look of disorganization in your work area.

Creating various work areas or zones is helpful. Make sure your computer is easy to reach, and your chair is aligned directly in front of it to prevent back strain. Also, align your chair so that your arms rest easily on the sides of your chair while you type on the computer.  Set up a section of your work area for research, and also a storage area for items that are not needed daily or on a regular basis. Also setting aside an area for filing is helpful to keep items you need to refer to, when needed.  Create a system that makes sense to you, and is easy to access.

Put away the clutter

Only keep items within arm’s reach of you- which you use daily. This means only 1-2 pens, and keep the other pens stored. Only the assignments you are working on should be left by your primary work area. Reducing clutter makes it easier to work, and also makes your work area, your office space more pleasant to work in. A clean and uncluttered environment creates a better work atmosphere.

Filing systems

Label your files for easy access. Create files based on urgency or project name. Once the files are labeled,  or color coded, it’s easier to put all the documents related to that particular project in the correct area. When you are ready to work on the project, everything is located, conveniently in one file.

Organizing your desk drawer

Some people use the drawer as a catch-all area, and throw anything that doesn’t fit into files into the drawer. At some point, you do not remember all that is in the drawer. Then it’s time to get drawer dividers and once a month, go through the drawer and throw away, or give away anything that you are not using.

Preparing for the Charlotte commercial cleaning services

Once you’ve cleaned off the clutter you are ready for your Charlotte commercial cleaning services. The janitor is trained to keep your area clean and sanitized. The less clutter in your office, the easier it is for the cleaning service to do their job. When looking for a top Charlotte professional cleaning service, contact Blue Ribbon Maintenance for a quote.