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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
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Finding a Charlotte janitorial service for your business office cleaning

There are many Charlotte janitorial services in the Charlotte and Kannapolis area. But, not all commercial cleaning services are equal.  It’s important to find a service that will provide quality cleaning, along with reliability.

How to help get a better office cleaning

One of the main concerns in offices is the clutter that builds up. With a lot of paper, supplies, and appliances going around, it is likely that clutter and dirt will accumulate if everything is not put in order.

Below are a few tips to keep your office clutter-free and organized all the time:

  1. Create zones. It is recommended for each office to divide the space into zones. Peter Walsh, an organization expert, suggests that the best practice is to determine how you want to use the space and set up areas that have their own functions. For instance, a space can be dedicated to the computer, while another space can be used as a library. There should also be space for supplies storage and a place for filing documents.
  2. Put the items you need at arms-length. Work more efficiently by organizing all your items. It is recommended to place items or documents you need immediately at arms-length for easier access. This may include your laptop, a notebook, and your pen. Other items, such as files or your extra box of supplies, must be kept in the dedicated zones you have established in number 1.
  3. Create a paper system. Do you find yourself buried in paperwork? Or worse, do you often lose important files that are due for submission? What you can do is to implement a paper system. Take hanging files or basket and label them as For Review, For Signing, For Submission. This will help you stay on top of the paperwork and keep your space organized.
  4. Let go. Perhaps the main reason behind clutter is that there is just too much stuff in a limited space. Learn to establish your limit and let go of things you do not need in the office.
  5. Dedicate a space for short-term storage. Sometimes, there are just some items that you do not have the time to file right away. You may keep a small box or basket beside you where you can store files or items for short-term storage. At the end of the day, take the basket or box and put the items in their proper zones.

These tips will help keep your office more clutter free, and allow your commercial cleaning service to do a better job cleaning when they visit your office.

Aside from keeping your office clutter-free, it is also very important to commercial cleaning services. Avoid the build-up of dust and stains by wiping down your desk, phone, keyboard and monitor with disinfectant wipes at least once a week. Your phone is one of the most germ filled areas of your office. Bathrooms, and office kitchens are next, along with all the door knobs, entering and exiting your offices and building. Especially during flu season, it’s important to be more cognizant of cleaning these areas between professional cleanings by your commercial cleaning service.

Do you need help keeping your office space organized and sanitized? Blue Ribbon Maintenance is a Charlotte and Kannapolis janitorial service that specializes in cleaning commercial spaces.