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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services

More and more people are focusing on being green

Green cleaning is something people in Charlotte and Kannapolis, NC, and beyond, are wanting to know more about. These days, it is not uncommon for people to take more time to research what exactly is in the products they are using and the impact it can have on our environment.

With more products popping up on shelves, it can be difficult to know if the product you are using is truly green. We cover what green cleaning is, what to look for, and more.

Green cleaning for Commercial Office Cleaning

Every company has different standards of green cleaning. Depending on the company, it can mean using products that reduce the impact of cleaning on the environment such as using microfiber to reduce the amount of waste they create. For others, it can mean using all green cleaning products that will leave no impact on the environment.

There are many products out there

The cleaning aisle at any store can be a rather intimidating place. There are seemingly endless options for cleaners, leaving you wondering what ones are green and what ones are effective. Here are some things to look for when choosing a green cleaner:

  1. Look for an EPA rating and seal. IV is the most eco-friendly rating a product can receive, so look for ratings on the higher end of the scale.
  2. Check the label. Like food, the fewer ingredients the better when it comes to green cleaning. Read the label and look for hazardous ingredients or a list as long as the label.
  3. Check the warning label. If they say they are toxic, hazardous, or urge to call a poison control line if ingested, that may be a red flag. Look for ones that urge you to simply drink water or don’t say they are toxic.

The benefits

There are many benefits to using green cleaning. In addition to being environmentally friendly, these products protect your loved ones too. Green products are safe to use in households with children and pets, giving you peace of mind in case your little one puts their mouth on something you just cleaned.

They are also beneficial for those who have breathing problems or smell sensitivities. The harmful chemicals and harsh odors traditional cleaners leave behind can impact the air quality, making these people ill. Green cleaners are scent-free and better for the air.

Green cleaning in Charlotte and Kannapolis, NC

Charlotte and Kannapolis, NC based company Gloria M’s Cleaning Service is proud to use green cleaning techniques. Gloria M’s Cleaning offers residential cleaning and commercial office cleaning services for China Grove, Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, and surrounding areas.