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House cleaning in Charlotte, NC

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Anatomy of a cobweb

Do you need housecleaning services to eliminate cobwebs from those high areas in your home? Artificial cobwebs may be fun to look at during Halloween, but they make your home look dirty and unsightly every other day of the year. Cobwebs are not simply dust; they are actually created by spiders. A cobweb is spun as short irregular strands that are spun haphazardly by house spiders, as opposed to the elegant and elaborate webs made by many other spiders. Eventually, the sticky strands gather dust, producing the long fluffy streamers that you see in the corners ceilings, and skylights.

Removal of cobwebs

Eliminating these sticky strands is more precarious that it is difficult. However, if your home has high cathedral type ceilings, removing cobwebs may be more than the average person would bargain for. The easiest way to remove them is to use an extension nozzle on the vacuum cleaner to suck them up. Do not just work the obvious areas that are easy to see, in addition to vacuuming the corners of ceilings; be sure to work other nooks and crannies such as around windows and doors. You can also remove cobwebs with soft dusters with long handles.

For safety’s sake, do not be tempted to stand on stools and chairs that could topple. If you do not wish to invest in a long handled duster, you could attach an old sock or cleaning cloth to the end of a broomstick and hold it in place with a rubber band. Buying a long handled duster will pay for itself in the long run because cobwebs, just like other forms of dusting, is an ongoing battle. If cobwebs are present on draperies, swags, or window treatments, you can use the vacuum and extension method or use a lint roller on an extension. Whenever possible, it is best to remove the fabric and wash it.

Preventing cobwebs

Remember, it all starts with a spider web, and the best way to stop spiders from making these webs is to prevent them from ever coming in. Even common house spiders prefer to be outdoors in the summer, so before the fall returns, pick a weekend to block their access. Seal any cracks in window and door frames. Dusting with citrus fragranced furniture polish can be very effective. Most spiders’ taste buds are on the tips of their legs and they cannot stand the taste of lemon. If cobweb removal strikes you as a highly undesirable project, contact one of the top housecleaning services in the Charlotte area to tackle the project for you.

One of the top house cleaning services in Charlotte, NC

Every home is unique, and that is why Gloria M’s Cleaning Services are customized to meet your cleaning and housekeeping needs. They offer free in-home consultations in an effort to understand your expectations for your household cleaning. Gloria M’s Cleaning Services offers flexibility in the frequency of home cleanings, and options for “green” cleaning services upon request. Keeping your special considerations and your budget in mind, they provide consistent and dependable housecleaning services around your needs. We hope you can find the right service for your home, by understanding the difference between house cleaning services and maid services. If you are looking for help with house cleaning, call Gloria M’s for a consultation and pricing. We look forward to hearing from you and answering your house cleaning questions.