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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services
Seasonal house cleaning - Charlotte, NC

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Air quality in your home

This is the time of year that we anticipate spending more time outdoors and seasonal housecleaning is the farthest thing from our mind once summer hits. However, as much time as we plan to spend outdoors, remember that the hot, and humid “dog days” of summer will also push us inside for a little air conditioned relief. This means that it is important to focus on cleaning all your fans and air filters in order to make the indoors dust and allergen free.

Changing your air filters

Let’s start with one of the most overlooked items in many homes, which is changing or cleaning your air filter(s). If your air conditioner does not seem to be providing its usual cool breeze, the filter should be the first thing that you check. Experts agree that a clean air filter is the single most important factor in the proper performance of your HVAC system. The average Charlotte home without pets should change the filters about every 90 days. If you have one pet, you should consider changing the filter every 60 days. Change the filter every 30 days if you own multiple pets, suffer from allergies, or have a smoker in the house.

Ceiling fans

Once the filter is squared away, it’s time to check your fans. Ceiling fans and portable fans are important for use in place of an air conditioner, or to increase circulation of the air in your home. However, turning on the fan and getting a blowback of dust and grime is unpleasant, to say the least. Have you ever taken a look at the top of the blades and the housing on your ceiling fans? Even in the cleanest homes, ceiling fans are often overlooked. Sometimes they run constantly, so we never imagine them to collect dust, but they should be cleaned at least once a month. The buildup becomes so heavy that the fan works less efficiently. Most importantly, dirty, dusty fans will eventually lead to breathing problems for everyone in the house.

To clean a ceiling fan, turn off the power first, and then remove the light fixtures. Soak the globes in a sudsy solution. Use your vacuum brush attachment to suck dirt from the motor compartment. Vacuum or wipe down both sides of each blade. Wipe any residual dirt off the fixtures and thoroughly dry all parts before reconnecting them to the fan.

Standing fans

Clean a stand fan by removing the front grill and sliding off or unscrewing the blades. Wash them in a sink filled with warm, sudsy water. Be sure that all parts are completely dry before replacing them on the fan housing. If you cannot remove the pieces, take the fan outside and blast it on both sides with the cool setting of a hair dryer.

One of the top house cleaning services in Charlotte, NC

Every home is unique, and that is why Gloria M’s Cleaning Services are customized to meet your seasonal house cleaning needs. They offer free in-home consultations in an effort to understand your expectations for your household cleaning. Gloria M’s Cleaning Services offers flexibility in the frequency of home cleanings, and options for “green” cleaning services upon request. Keeping your special considerations and your budget in mind, they provide consistent and dependable housecleaning services around your needs. We hope you can find the right service for your home, by understanding the difference between house cleaning services and maid services. If you are looking for help with house cleaning, call Gloria M’s for a consultation and pricing. We look forward to hearing from you and answering your house cleaning questions.