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Spring cleaning in Charlotte, NC

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Cleaning out the pantry

When is the last time that you performed spring cleaning for your kitchen cabinets or pantry? We often think of our kitchen and pantry as the cleanest areas of our home, but remember that spring cleaning is also organizing. Additionally, you would be surprised by the amount of unused, outdated, or expired products on the shelves. This is why you should do a comprehensive pantry and spice cabinet cleaning every spring.

Take everything out

The only way that you can see what you really have is to take everything out. It is okay to work section by section, once you have taken out everything, down to the last crumb, it is time for some decision making. Decide what you are going to keep and what you are going to toss. All spices and can goods have an expiration date on them somewhere; if the product is expired, toss it.

Any canned goods or perishables that are dented or opened should be tossed out. Look for breaks or tears in the lining of boxed or bagged foods. If you find it, the contents may have been exposed, so it is wise to throw it away. Consider donating usable food that you do not want, to a local food bank or donation center.

Determining is you still want something

When trying to determine whether you should keep an item, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Do I use it?
  2. Does it have more than one use?
  3. Does it fit into my current diet?

Cleaning the area

Once cleared out, you need to do a good deep clean of your shelving and cabinets. Remove food buildup and gunk with some cleaning spray and a wet rag or sponge. This is the ideal time to apply new drawer or shelf liners.


Decide how you would like to organize your items. It is a good idea to group spices and oils by size, but you can also group pantry items by use. For example, perhaps you want to place all the baking supplies together. Another option is to organize your cabinets or pantry by how often you use the items. Common use items such as salt, pepper, sugar, and flour should be in the front for easier access. Make sure to label all bulk food items with the date of purchase so that you will know what is fresh and what is not so fresh in the future.

Professional spring cleaning services in Charlotte

Perhaps you require help with spring cleaning and organizing. Gloria M’s cleaning professionals are happy to help you take on any house cleaning project. They are so flexible when it comes to scheduling according to your needs. Call them today to set up a time and schedule to handle your spring cleaning project(s).