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Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services

A clean office is a productive one…most of the time

Office cleaning plays an important role in Charlotte, NC. A clean workspace helps you put your most professional foot forward and creates an inviting atmosphere for customers and employees alike. But, depending on the type of cleaning products you use, your well intentioned office cleaning may actually have the opposite effect.

Traditional cleaning products can trigger symptoms for asthmatics and people with allergies

Traditional cleaning products can often leave behind harsh smells and residue. These smells can trigger symptoms in employees, and customers, who suffer from asthma, allergies, or smell sensitivities, creating a very uncomfortable environment for them.

You can avoid this problem by using green products as part of your office cleaning. These products don’t leave behind odors or if they do, they are very faint. This small change can make breathing, working, and shopping in your business easier.

Toxic residue can be left behind

Adults, children, babies, even some pets, may come through your office doors each day. When you do your office cleaning with traditional cleaning products, you often leave behind a trail of residue. This residue can contain harmful chemicals that can cause illness or injury when accidentally consumed. Kids accidentally licking windows or touching the residue then putting fingers in their mouths can cause illness.

Using green products as part of your office cleaning avoids this problem. These products don’t leave behind any harmful residue, making it safe for kids, animal, adults, and babies to touch surfaces in your office. Plus, you don’t have to worry about keeping your cleaning products under lock and key since they aren’t hazardous if the wrong hands get a hold of them.

You can make a positive impact on the environment

Using green products to do your office cleaning also has the benefit of making a positive impact on our environment. It reduces the amount of chemicals that make their way into our community and reduces the amount of waste we produce since we can reuse cleaning cloths multiple times.

Office cleaning in Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, NC businesses can benefit from letting Gloria M’s Cleaning Services handle your office cleaning. We are proud to use green cleaning techniques as part of our services to not only help keep your employees and customers comfortable, but make a positive impact as well. Gloria M’s Cleaning offers residential cleaning and commercial office cleaning services for China Grove, Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, and surrounding areas.